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New Languages for Earnings!

New Languages for Earnings!

Hi, مرحبًا, Salom, Bonjour, 你好!

We're continuing to translate IPweb into more languages — we've already covered a lot, but there’s still more to do!

That said, the earning interface is now available in four new languages:
- Arabic
- Uzbek
- French
- Simplified Chinese

What do you think about the translations? Like, dislike, or found an error? Share your feedback in the comments below or in Telegram channel — your feedback is highly appreciated!

(response to user )

Comments 314

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Like this oftion
جيد جدا
Assalomu alekum manga judayam yoqdi
চমৎকার সাইট
very nice earning side
Menga yoqdi ajoyib judaham
Wow very nice
رائع جدا لكسب المال
মাশা-আল্লাহ খুব ভলো একটি ইনকাম সাইট
Best site but small amount i request give me big amount
أحب هذا
J'aime ça
Vyre Amazing