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08:12 1.07
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08:12 0.19

Promotion on Pulse Mail.ru

Promotion on Pulse Mail.ru

Pulse Mail.ru is a Zen-like service where authors publish articles that end up in an endless feed of reader-recommended content. Users can subscribe to the author's channel, like and comment on posted materials.

Channel owners earn revenue from ads that are automatically placed on their posts.

In IPweb you can order promotion on Pulse and attract motivated traffic to your channel.

Advertising campaigns on Pulse Mail.ru:

— Subscribe to the channel 
— Read the full article 
— Like a post 
— Write a comment
— Share (make a repost) 

Subscribe to us to be the first to know about service updates and communicate with other users.
We are on social networks:  

Telegram VK Facebook
Rutube YouTube Odnoklassniki

(response to user )

Comments 123

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I like it.i am a student.my first time income in this site.
A campaign has been conducted, and now it has been about 5 hours, and it has not been approved. Is this normal?
No, It's not normal. Please write to our Support with a detailed description of the problem. https://www.ipweb.pro/support.php
I am earn money. I like this application very best
It is beautiful app. I like it very t
Si tiene dificultades para completar sus tareas, escriba al Equipo de Soporte. https://www.ipweb.pro/support.php Intentaremos responderle lo antes posible.
New fantastic experience
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new exprince good
Very good.Nice work very nice job!!!
I find it difficult to ship with a visa. Please help me, and thank you in full
Please write to our Support team https://www.ipweb.pro/support.php
Very good
Ok muy buno
Nice job!!