Telegram: launch WebApp + follow the steps

Within this advertising campaign, you can order the launch of a bot application to perform actions. Please read the Telegram documentation regarding web applications. Bots with custom interfaces embedded in them, opening in embedded or external windows, are considered as "applications". According to the Telegram documentation, such interfaces are created based on Javascript + HTML.

Most often the link looks like this:

In the left menu, click on "Promotion" — "Your sites" — "Actions in social networks" — "Telegram" — "Telegram: Launch a web application + fulfill all conditions".

Enter the link to the bot in Telegram, specify the number of executions per day, and modify the instructions if necessary.

Please note: within this campaign, we do not guarantee or promise the "first launch" of the bot. This means that during the verification of executions, moderation will not take into account possible requirements from advertisers in instructions of this kind. This is due to the increased popularity of bots of a new format, duplicate campaigns with referral links from which may appear on IPweb in large quantities and from different advertisers.

At the moment, we cannot provide "exclusive" execution of the task only through your referral link.


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