Precios de campañas publicitarias


  • token - autorización (string)
    $post = array(
        'token' => $token
    if ($curl = curl_init()) {
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, '');
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
        $out = curl_exec($curl);
        echo $out;

// Resultado:

    "paid": {
        "currency": "RUB",
        "base_price": 0.10
    "paid_prof": {
        "currency": "RUB",
        "base_price": 0.25,
        "optional_clicks_price": 0.049,
        "max_inner_clicks": 4
    "paid_adv": {
        "currency": "RUB",
        "base_price": 0.15,
        "optional_clicks_price": 0.049,
        "max_inner_clicks": 4,
        "max_outer_clicks": 4
    "paid_se": {
        "currency": "RUB",
        "base_price": 0.15,
        "if_outer_clicks_add_price": 0.197,
        "optional_clicks_price": 0.049,
        "max_inner_clicks": 4,
        "max_outer_clicks": 4
    "paid_se_behavioral": {
        "currency": "RUB",
        "base_price": 0.15,
        "optional_clicks_price": 0.049,
        "max_inner_clicks": 4,
        "max_before_clicks": 4

Description of fields:

  • currency - currency according to standard ISO 4217
  • base_price - base price of the 1st execution of an advertising campaign
  • if_outer_clicks_add_price - additional price for subject to availability max_outer_clicks
  • optional_clicks_price - cost of each optional click max_before_clicks, max_inner_clicks, max_outer_clicks
  • max_before_clicks - optional maximum allowed number of clicks on other sites in search results (according to campaign/add)
  • max_inner_clicks - optional maximum number of clicks on internal pages (according to campaign/add)
  • max_outer_clicks - optional maximum allowed clicks on the pages of the opened site (according to campaign/add)

The cost of implementation should be calculated using the following formula:

* if there is no optional_clicks_price or if_outer_clicks_add_price, we take them equal to zero

Posibles códigos de error
1 - no hay parámetros de consulta
7 - acceso prohibido
16 - error desconocido
37 - temporalmente no disponible, inténtelo más tarde
38 - no hay entidades que coincidan con los parámetros de la solicitud
41 - se alcanzó el límite diario de solicitudes de API más detalles

Califica el material:

Puntuación: 0 sobre 5. Total de puntuaciones: 0.
Última modificación

No entiendo nada! Ayudar :-(